Hunting Hills' Lexi
Hunting Hills’ Lexi is a roan female Small Munsterlander from VC Looses Jaika and VC Cody vom
Apfelbaumbach. As a puppy she was happy, calm, and even tempered puppy that was a bold quick
earner like her brother Hemi. Lexi has her mothers and fathers staunch intense points, has a very
keen nose, and is a reliable retriever as you can tell by her maximum score in her NA test. Her
brother Hemi is also a NAVHDA Versitle Champion like their mother and father.
Born: 12-29-08
Reg #: 08122906 KlM
NA 112 pr I, UT 173 Pr II
PennHIP: 0.39/0.29
HRC: Started Hunting Retriever
P Litter: SMCNA & NAVHDA NA Breeders Award
SMCNA approved for breeding
Lexi's sire
VC Cody vom Apfelbaumbach German import Born: 01/07/2003 NA112 Pr I VJP 74 UT 204 Pr I, VGP 273 Pr II Invitational 191 Pass PennHIP .33/.33 SMCNA Hall of Fame 2007 SMCNA Dog of the Year HRC: Started Hunting Retriever HHK H, L, & N Litters: SMCNA NA Sires Award von Turner D litter & Gosch's J litter: SMCNA NA Sires Award |
Lexi's dam VC Looses Jaika Danish import Born 11/08/2004 NA 112 Pr I, VJP 66 UT 204 Pr I Invitational 194 Pass PennHIP .43/.33 SMCNA Hall of Fame HRC: Started Hunting Retriever HHK H, L, & N Litters: SMCNA & NAVHDA NA Breeders Award |