Welcome to Hunting Hills Kennel LLC home page on the Internet. At our site we hope to introduce our Small (Kleine) Munsterlander breed to you. The SM (KlM) is a long haired versatile hunting dog that uses both air scent for pointing and ground scent for tracking. They will hunt fur and feather for the hunter on foot. The Small Munsterlander's elegance, intelligence, desire and devotion make them a wonderful hunting partner and home companion.
Hunting Hills Kennel's (HHK) goal is to breed the best to the best; to produce a highly skilled versatile hunting dog in the field and a calm stable companion in the home with the family. In 27 years of owning and breeding SM's there have been 53 litters with 430 Hunting Hills' Small Munsterlanders born. Of the HHK SM who tested:
178 Hunting Hills Kennel Small Munsterlanders puppies have passed NAVHDA Natural Ability Test
8 Hunting Hills Kennel Small Munsterlanders have passed NAVHDA Utility Preparatory Test
22 Hunting Hills Kennel Small Munsterlanders have passed NAVHDA Utility Test
6 Hunting Hills Kennel Small Munsterlanders have passed NAVHDA Invitational test
Hunting Hills' Kennel dogs have earned 25 NAVHDA & SMCA NA Breeders Awards, 13 SMCA Sires Awards and own or bred six NAVHDA Versatile Champion Small Munsterlanders from our lines. They are VC Cody vom Apfelbaumbach (German Import), VC Looses Jaika (Danish Import), VC Hunting Hills' Hemlock (Hemi), VC Hunting Hills' Joker, VC Hunting Hills' Yukon Moose Tracks, and VC Hunting Hills' Epic Creed, We encourage all buyers to be members of the North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association (NAVHDA) and the Small Munsterlander Club of America (SMCA) to help promote the Small (Kleine) Munsterlander.
All Hunting Hills Small Munsterlanders used for breeding have met or surpassed the minimum breeding requirements of the Small Munsterlander Club of America (SMCNA). The SMCAis the original Small (Kleine) Munsterlander Club in America and the Club's mission is to promote responsible ownership of the Small Munsterlander, encourages training, testing, and hunting.
Additionally, the Club recognizes the Small Munsterlander to be a versatile hunting dog, accepts the Standard of the breed as set forth by the American Kennel Club (AKC) as the only standard of conformation by which the Small Munsterlander shall be judged, and encourages testing, training and breeding that conforms to accepted standards. Hunting Hills Kennel puppies will only be sold to SMCA members.
The SM originated in the Munster region of Northern Germany over 500 years ago. They are called Kleiner Münsterländer in Germany. Other early names for the Small Munsterlander are Heidewachtel, Spion (little spy), Maly Munsterlandsky Ohar, Petit Münsterländer, Pienimünsterinseisoja, or Piccolo Münsterländer. Germany is the founding country of Small (Kleine) Munsterlander and wrote the F.C.I .Standard.
The Small Munsterlander is one of the smallest of the versatile gun dogs. It is tough, strongly built, full of nobility, and enthusiasm. The Small Munsterlander's coat should be smooth with feathering on the ears, the legs, and the tail. The SM uses his tail as an instrument of expression, and this signaling ability is highly useful in its work. Many SMhave voice on trail or scent when tracking its game, which is a desirable trait especially in Europe. The hunter can hear the voice of his dog and know what type of game it is hunting or tracking.
Hunting Hills Kennel is a member of the following: Small Munsterlander Club of America (SMCA), North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association (NAVHDA), American Kennel Club (AKC), and the Hunting Retriever Club (HRC). Hunting Hills' Kennel is a Cooperating Breeder in the SMCA and is a licensed commercial breeder by the Nebraska State Department of Agriculture